Set Free Ministries is wonderful. They are a very knowledgeable and faith-based counseling service. SFM has helped me through a tough situation, along with helping my husband and me through a difficult time in our marriage.

l am very grateful and thankful that God has brought them into my life. I highly recommend them!

One thing in my life that I will never regret is starting counseling. l walked into my counselor’s office at rock bottom, lost, confused, and utterly broken. I knew within minutes of sitting down that God had led me there. He placed this amazing person in my life to heal not only what was currently going on but an entire lifetime of hurt. I’ve never felt so safe or loved by anyone. Not once have I felt judged. We have
laughed and cried together. I was not a believer in counseling, and it was in a panic to save my marriage that I even called and set up the appointment. But God knew—He had bigger plans. My marriage is thriving. I have healed from trauma that goes back to young childhood.

With an open heart and mind I truly have been blessed beyond all measure. l now tell everyone just how needed that safe person is in your world.

I have been in therapy since I was nineteen. I have been on several prescription drugs over the past 31 years. I was diagnosed as bipolar for many years and eventually borderline personality disorder. After a while, most of the pills stopped working. They wanted to put me on Lithium. l was severely depressed and wanted to die. Life was just not worth living. I loved God but didn’t trust God-how could God love someone like me?

I started working with Set Free Ministries in 2021. My counselor was very patient with me. Sometimes l would be all over the place, trying to communicate how I was feeling. My counselor always helped me get focused on what the core issue was. The love that he showed to me helped me in the moments I didn’t think God loved me. I was working with my counselor for about 2, maybe 3 months when we had the biggest breakthrough of my life.

I know it was the Holy Spirit moving in the room. I received the answers and healing I desperately needed. During our session I was talking about my many addictions and my counselor just kept saying ”That is the symptom, what is the root issue?” I talked about my time in the occult, and he’d say, “What was the root?” I talked about my drug and alcohol use, and he’d say, ”That is the symptom, what is the root?” I mentioned all the women and again he’d say, ”That is the symptom, what is the root?” l fired back, ”I don’t know... I guess I don’t like myself very much.” My parents acted like they didn’t want to be around me. The kids I grew up with acted like they hated me. I was isolated all the time. I was alone all the time. That’s when the memory unlocked. That’s when the Holy Spirit showed me myself sitting in a rocking chair around the age of five. It was then that I decided I wouldn’t trust or depend on anyone. That’s when the belief that there must be something wrong with me formed. I must be bad.

Thank you, Jesus, I have never been the same since that session. God has shown me He loved me more than I could even know. Even in my full-blown addiction, He was there.

l have been free ever since. Life didn’t get easier. I still live with my consequences of my poor choices. I know the Lord loves me, and I’m not being punished. I am truly free.

I’m very thankful for my counselor, more than he will ever know. The peace remains.

P.S. I still keep a picture of me when l was a little boy right by my computer. When things get tough, tell that little guy, ”You’re doing okay.” God bless you all.

When I started counseling with Set Free Ministries I was a believer, but a broken man looking for answers. After going through the Be Transformed workbook with my counselor, I learned the truth of God’s loving character and I dropped the lies the enemy had me believing about God’s character. I learned the truth of my identity through Christ’s eyes.

After counseling at Set Free Ministries for two years, the Holy Spirit continues to speak truths to me through my counselor exactly when I need them, helping me to navigate through trials in life. God continues to transform me more and more into His image and helps me to walk in harmony with His will.

It’s more than just counseling-it strengthens the relationship with my Heavenly Father.

I’ve had a history of trauma, and sought counseling at age 19, and again in my 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Starkly different in my 50’s is my faith in my Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and I am now seeking my Lord in all aspects of my life. I know that my Savior has a very different role to play in my healing this time. I have learned that all my strength, comfort and healing come from my Maker, and that I’m not alone.

In seeking guidance and support, I have grown in my faith through an irreplaceable relationship with Set Free Ministries...all praise and glory to God!

After 6 years of college, and not being placed in jobs associated with my two degrees, I fell into a deep identity crisis, not knowing who I was if I couldn’t find a career in my field of education. One of the degrees was in the theological studies with a Bible college and because of bad seeds sowed from immaturity and impulsive behaviors, I was blacklisted from the ministry organization with which I wanted to serve.

For a couple of years I struggled in depression and self-degradation because of the awful harvest I was reaping from that seed I sowed many years before. I also struggled with sudden mood swings, and anger issues, and the tendency to be verbally abusive. After I tore my wife down with my words and crushed her spirit I realized I needed to get serious help.

I pursued counseling with Set Free, where my counselor helped me to organize my thoughts, and realize that my identity isn’t in my failures, and that my life didn’t depend on my performance. My counselor helped me to see Jesus, and to let my identity rest in Christ; no longer in my failures. Today I know that I am a blood-bought child of God and no amount of remorse from my past will control my day-to-day life anymore.

Interested to see what God has for you through Biblical counseling?