Robbie Lang Sr. Biblical Counseling Gillette

Robbie lang Sr.

Biblical Counselor


Robbie Lang Sr. was born in Buffalo, Wy and raised in Moorcroft, Wy graduating High School there. He went on to graduate from Wyoming Technical Institute and finished with a diploma in Diesel Technology. In 1974 at the age of 13, Robbie accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

He felt drawn to attend classes at his local church through Set Free Ministries, which led him to take a Lay Counselor Training Course in 2013. He went on to be a Biblical Counselor in 2015 and A.A.C.C Board Certified in 2022. He also assists at SFM in the Ministering of others through Grief Share and Lay Counseling Training classes. Robbie serves in his local church playing drums in worship whenever he is called upon.

He spent the bulk of his working career in the Mining Industry for 32 years as a Blaster and Driller, retiring in 2022. Robbie is humbled to be used in the counseling process observing God work in the lives of others setting them free by the truth of His Word, becoming in Him all they are meant to be.

Robbie has been married to Lorri for over 41 years and together they have 3 sons, Robbie Jr, Lucas, Chad and daughter McKayIa as well as 14 grandchildren.


Life Verses:

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 NIV

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20 NKJV


Hobbies & Interests:

Horseback riding and camping with Lorri, good friends and 4 Australian Shepherds, family time, and watching grandsons play sports.


Favorite Books:

Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald

On My Worst Day by John Lynch

The Bible