Payment Policy


CLM is a pledge-based ministry. We do not have a set fee for counseling because we do not want finances to be the reason you do not seek biblical counseling.

To help you determine what you want to contribute, please consider the following information:

  • The typical pledge is $100+ per session.

  • Pledging $100 per counseling hour would cover all expenses to run as a ministry. However, because not all clients can afford this amount we ask you to pledge an amount appropriate for you.

  • Contributions may be made online here or via cash, check, debit or credit at the time of your counseling.

  • The cost of any assigned material, which may vary, will be in addition to your pledge and yours to keep.

Insurance Filing

Most insurance companies do not reimburse for biblical counseling services. If your insurance company does cover this service we ask that you do your own filing. We can provide any requested information.