Kathleen Garrison

Biblical Counselor


Kathleen was born and raised in central Nebraska as #8 of 9 siblings.

Her faith began at a youth conference in Atlanta Georgia at age 16. She had a specific desire/call to counseling as a young person and believes that call has been fulfilled in both traditional and non-traditional ways over her lifetime in the variety of careers and pursuits she has had.

Now she is able to step into the calling specifically and serve the body of Christ as a biblical counselor. She and her husband Jim have been married 35 years; have two adult children, three grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

She looks forward to her new role within the body of Christ.


Life Verse:

You guide me with Your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but You? I desire You more than anything on earth. Psalm 73:24-25


Favorite Song:

“Better” by Pat Barrett


Hobbies & Interests:

Reading, camping, and family


Favorite Food:

Dark chocolate and dark coffee


Favorite Saying:

“Lord, You know.”